Standard 5: Educators implement effective planning, instruction, assessment and reporting practices to create respectful, inclusive environments for student learning and development.
“Educators have the knowledge and skills to facilitate learning for students, including learning experiences that reflect individual contexts and local environments. Educators value collaborative practice. Educators recognize and understand the interconnectedness of all aspects of teaching and learning and employ a variety of instructional and assessment strategies. Educators communicate effectively in either English or French. Educators know when to seek support for their practice and for students.”
I’ve been able to observe many educators that display this standard in their teaching. They understand that there are teachable moments all the time throughout their day, and they take advantage of those. They are prepared to go slightly off track if they feel like it would be in their students’ best interest. This standard is the full-meal deal! A teacher has to plan, instruct, assess, and report throughout each day. If one of these elements is missing, part of the student’s education will be at risk.
Offering different ways to complete assignments or projects is important to keep everyone’s interest. Students learn best when they feel they will be successful so it’s the teacher’s job to find out what will make the student successful.
The Teacher also needs to know when to reach out to the School-Based team if more support is required.